Message from the Director
The Center for the Development of the Gifted and Talented (CDGT) was established in 2010 with the objective to cater to the learning needs of gifted learners in Hong Kong.
Capitalizing on HKUST's academic strength across a broad spectrum of disciplines, especially in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering, CDGT strives to develop diversified and structured programs and curricula that challenge and inspire students to explore their talents and interests, giving them a starting point to develop their full potential.
While giving the students a platform to excel and nurturing their personal growth, we are devoted to foster a community within and among the groups of talented students, their parents, and educators. We believe it will synergize the strength of these parties and contribute to our goals in nurturing these groups of gifted and talented, as well as benefiting individuals, the community as a whole, and the society at large.
We are constantly reviewing and refining our existing programs to ensure the good quality of our curriculum. We also continue to track the education trend, expand our offerings, and develop programs to meet our learners' diverse and unique needs, so that their talent can be recognized and further cultivated.
Professor King L CHOW
Director, The Center for the Development of the Gifted and Talented

Director, The Center for the Development of the Gifted and Talented